Svet a aj Narnia sa 7.12.2020 rozlúčila s významným a skvelým človekom – Walterom Hooperom, osobným tajomníkom spisovateľa C.S.Lewisa.
V roku 2009 prišiel pán Hooper do Narnie, aby otvoril našu narnijskú knižnicu, ktorá nesie jeho meno a potriasol rukou víťazom súťaže o najlepšie anglické eseje študentov.
„Friends,it is with a heavy heart I have to tell you that today, on 7th of December, our dear friend, Walter Hooper, has succumbed to COVID-19 he contracted later in November.
The world knew him as the last secretary of C.S.Lewis, man who sat with Inklings and who made sure that Lewis together with Tolkien are one of the few authors in the world who published more books after they died than during their lifetime – because he made sure to track all their unpublished texts and letters, edited them and made sure they were published. He will be truly missed..“ P.Kosnáč
Died: Walter Hooper, Who Gave His Life to C.S. Lewis’s Leg…… | News & Reporting | Christianity Today